Second Steps Apartment Program
The Second Steps program is available to First Steps residents who have demonstrated an ability to live and care for their child(ren) more independently. Residents must meet several prerequisites before being moved to the Second Steps program, primarily proving their reliable ability to parent positively.
In the Second Steps program, residents live in their own apartments, and they are responsible for all cooking and cleaning, timely bill payment, and childcare. Residents are also expected to work, attend school (including continuing at the Dr. Christine Davies Education Centre), or attend a program that First Steps approves.
If they need extra support, residents are welcome and encouraged to reach out to First Steps staff. Residents are also expected to meet regularly with the Second Steps Coordinator to ensure that they are managing their responsibilities, and help with tasks such as budgeting, organizing, and grocery shopping. All of this allows the Second Steps residents to gently ease into independent living, preparing them for their eventual transition back into full independent living in the community.